i havent rly blogged for a while but i should so i can remember things like anh's man diary journal of masculinity. its something like that. i actually wanted to make a video blog, but i havent got a camera xD
so monday. first day of the week. this week will be my good week, seeing as last week was my bad week. cbb explaining last week, going to just move on.
took me 30 mins to wake up this morning. slept later than intended last night helping lisa with her journeys story, which is quite lol. so my brother ran into my room and made a lot of noise until i said "piss off" and continued to lie there for some time. got up, shower, breakfast (whilst watching chuck), ending up leaving the house late and got to skl at 8:45 so i had to get a late note ==" thompson and mariam were late too. followed thompson up to maths where we had a sub. he hadnt even marked the roll yet, got a late note for no reason ><. the sub, whose name i still dont know, drew a lot of graphs which noone copied down. boring.
period 2 was chem. boring too, geerling talked about models and gave us an old half yearly. looked really easy. have to write prac report for our explosion experiment.
recess, didnt do much, tried to talk to different teachers about borrowing a camera for photography.
p3, bio. lol, we had a prac where we tested diff chemicals (lipids, proteins, starch, glucose and chloride ions). i paired up with phil like usual and we got the samples. WOAH, the protein smelt terrible, worst than shit. our first test for protein didnt work out so we had to do it again, a double dose of it. everything else worked. have to write a prac report for it, bleh. mahfouz gave us exam notifications and practise exam.
p4, english. worst subject ever. turns out we might get our english assessments back tmr. i have no expectations except i rly rly hope i pass. thats all i want ==" and get below 12 =) keegan gave us some technqiues from life is beautiful. thats a great movie that one. she turned up late to class again, but in fairness, she was supervising an exam.
lunch! lol, the attempt to find warrens sister, julia kho, was hindered by yr 8s messing with me ==" anyway, after dragging warren out to the girls, he pointed out his sister who doesnt even look like him. i then dragged andrew to art staffroom to look for a camera. stupid guy barges it loudly, sits down randomly and makes random comments whilst im asking for a camera ==" luckily, hes not all dumb, he excused himself.
turns out the skl does have cameras, they cost thousands of dollars ==" and i need a note from parents.
when we got back to the group, we played "liquid paper wars" lawl. you put a massive puddle of liquid paper in the middle of the table then you wrestle the other persons arm to try and get there hand in. lol andrew kept getting ganged up on. then we did team battles. andreww and lian (aww), me and amanda. lol so first couple of rounds we won. but then they took amanda down. next round i got pushed into the biggest puddle, dammit. but i actually wasnt rdy (; anyway, i didnt go out quietly, i quickly wiped my wet hand on andrew and lian, creating "COLLATERAL DAMAGE BITCHES" haha, he had all white out on his face. i just had a shower and my hands all read from the rubbing i had to do to get it off.
p5, physics. had a sub again. mr anault, hectic english teacher. anyway, pretty bludge and boring. textbook work. quoted some chuck with phil.
"why are you running away from your OWN bday party?"
"well you see, theyre all your friends... who are all doctors..."
"i bought you real women!"
"what happened to your fingers?"
"oh its controller chaff (i think thats how its spelt) from call of duty"
*blank faces*
*agent walker is changing in the backseat of the car. major casey and chuck are up front. chuck stares at walker using the rear view mirror. casey sees chuck doing this. slams the rear view mirror shut.*
anyway, p6. maths again. same sub. i asked mrs hackett about biczo and it turns out she broke her leg D: had to have surgery last night and she wont be back for a while =\ we should get her a card. we're gonna fail maths now ==" worst luck.
bludged again. pissed natalie off haha, talked to anna. bell rang.
3 oclock. warren and natalie fight xD
hahas, train. bullying warren again. poor guy xD got off at cab, walked around with julie, anne and amy. my bag was so heavy.
tutor was ok. got our test back 23/30, not bad xD had to write an adaptation for some myth. i ended up writing 3 words ==" couldnt get an idea. verbal sparring with amy. teasing natalie with jen helping lol. end of tutor.
in the car, mum was telling me about how i got a letter at home today. she said that they made dad sign for it, and the letter was rly stiff so he was worried i was dong something illegal like trafficking drugs ==" then mum said dad rang her when she got home. mum was worried too. so she opened it and it turns out they were the free movie tickets i had won ==" mum was relieved so she rang dad. the letter was stiff cause it was cardboard? you had to sign cause it was registered post ==" asian parents. and me, drugs? nah man.
anyway had shower, dinner. now gotta do chem prac report, bio prac report, and physics. awesome. also, turns out julie n has a phone now. shes been texting me for the past 30 mins.
phils coming back on msn soon. lent ends on palm sunday woot.
nothing rly interesting today. maybe tmr. btw, i like hey monday songs =)
got those free movie tickets. prob gonna go some time in the holidays. only catch, you gotta stand me for the duration of the movie (;
edit: when i got home today, anh told me degree in a day opened early at 4:30 so at 5pm there were no spots left in good things ==" far out, i wanted to go. dammit. stupid usyd, so freakin pissed. so now noone in our group is going ><"
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
MEGAPOST!; Simple decomposition experiments can go terribly wrong.
Pretty much, today during chemistry, we had to perform a simple decomposition experiment, where we heated Magnesium Carbonate under a bunsen and test the gas released under limewater.
Sound pretty straightforward, yes?
It turns out that when a stopper is too good, and you heat the Magnesium Carbonate too fast, things can explode.

Quite mad yeah? Dust covered everything in a 2 metre radius from the explosion site. LOL.
Should've seen Peck's face when that happened.
The moment I screamed out "FUCK ME!", Peck's face darkened like crazy.
Funny thing is, afterwards, Wilson told us,
"Oh, I saw a crack but I wasn't sure about it so I didn't say anything."
Even worse was John Duong, who despite being in our group, and right next to the explosion, appaerntly had no idea anything out of the ordinary had occurred, until we all started laughing, and swearing. -____-"
It turns out that if you get Magnesium Carbonate on any clothing, you should immediately strip it off. Unfortunately, it had covered ALL of our clothing, and it'd be a bit weird just stripping down in the middle of class.
kily, my power el is over 9000, and hence, I suffered no adverse effects of this Magnesium Carbonate.
I can't exactly say the same for the others.
And then theres me. I was holding the bunsen burner under the test tube so was probably the closest (and the one most responsible for this incident) to the explosion but i didn't even move when it exploded. i just kinda froze until we all started swearing.
but the ironic thing is, is that at the start of the lesson mr peck told us theres a prac so i was excited and asked "hey sir, are we gonna blow things up" and he answered "yeah, totally" in a sarcastic tone. wow, coincidence much?
also, the sheet did mention the risk of fast heating, which i just read. i was standing their thinking, "hmm, when should i turn it down?" then boom. the powder was like levitating from the buildup of gas :L
mr peck told me to keep my clothes on when i mentioned the label told us we had to remove all contaminated clothing. nat's group had there flame on full blue, even stronger than ours which meant they were going to explode as well so we decided to be nice and let them know.
but noone in our group was more hectic than wilson. that guy told us AFTER the explosion that he thought he saw something, but he didnt say something cause he "wasn't sure" good job wilson. i can rely on you yea? "hey sorry man, i saw the car coming to hit you... but i just wasn't sure"
by the way, i need results julie =)
our bio class is screwed. we have 7 pracs to finish before the end of term and we still have a bit of theory to cover. mahfouz is the best.
anyway, i hope we get back our english assessments soon. i hope i pass.
Pretty much, today during chemistry, we had to perform a simple decomposition experiment, where we heated Magnesium Carbonate under a bunsen and test the gas released under limewater.
Sound pretty straightforward, yes?
It turns out that when a stopper is too good, and you heat the Magnesium Carbonate too fast, things can explode.

Quite mad yeah? Dust covered everything in a 2 metre radius from the explosion site. LOL.
Should've seen Peck's face when that happened.
The moment I screamed out "FUCK ME!", Peck's face darkened like crazy.
Funny thing is, afterwards, Wilson told us,
"Oh, I saw a crack but I wasn't sure about it so I didn't say anything."
Even worse was John Duong, who despite being in our group, and right next to the explosion, appaerntly had no idea anything out of the ordinary had occurred, until we all started laughing, and swearing. -____-"
It turns out that if you get Magnesium Carbonate on any clothing, you should immediately strip it off. Unfortunately, it had covered ALL of our clothing, and it'd be a bit weird just stripping down in the middle of class.
kily, my power el is over 9000, and hence, I suffered no adverse effects of this Magnesium Carbonate.
I can't exactly say the same for the others.
And then theres me. I was holding the bunsen burner under the test tube so was probably the closest (and the one most responsible for this incident) to the explosion but i didn't even move when it exploded. i just kinda froze until we all started swearing.
but the ironic thing is, is that at the start of the lesson mr peck told us theres a prac so i was excited and asked "hey sir, are we gonna blow things up" and he answered "yeah, totally" in a sarcastic tone. wow, coincidence much?
also, the sheet did mention the risk of fast heating, which i just read. i was standing their thinking, "hmm, when should i turn it down?" then boom. the powder was like levitating from the buildup of gas :L
mr peck told me to keep my clothes on when i mentioned the label told us we had to remove all contaminated clothing. nat's group had there flame on full blue, even stronger than ours which meant they were going to explode as well so we decided to be nice and let them know.
but noone in our group was more hectic than wilson. that guy told us AFTER the explosion that he thought he saw something, but he didnt say something cause he "wasn't sure" good job wilson. i can rely on you yea? "hey sorry man, i saw the car coming to hit you... but i just wasn't sure"
by the way, i need results julie =)
our bio class is screwed. we have 7 pracs to finish before the end of term and we still have a bit of theory to cover. mahfouz is the best.
anyway, i hope we get back our english assessments soon. i hope i pass.
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